Friday, March 27, 2015

Dental Implant Preparatory Diploma ....With 5 Implants in Patient Mouth البرنامج التدريبي المتخصص في زراعة الاسنان وبشهاده معتمده دوليا مع د/محمد حسن نور – مدرس وإستشاري زراعة الاسنان – ماجستير جراحة الفم والأسنان – دكتوراه جراحة الفم والوجه والفكين جامعة القاهره. برنامج زراعة الاسنان المتقدم يحصل المشترك في برنامجي الزراعه العادي والمتقدم على خصم 10% من إجمالي المصاريف Program Director =========== Dr. Mohammed Hassan BDS,MSc,Phd faculty of oral and dental medicine, Cairo university lecturer and consultant of oral and maxillofaeial surgery, O6 university. Dr. Ahmed Shawer Consultant prosthontics advanced researches oral implantology Germany Member lcol. Clinical Work ======== 5 implants Every Candidate will place 3 implants in patient & 2 implants Prosehesis included in course fees. Hands-on Training =========== Demonstration of surgical kit –implant components Implant placement in foam mandible. Indirect impression technique. Suturing techniques. - Written Examination . Program Fees ============ For Egyptian : 5950 LE For Foreigners: 1250 $ With one implant only in patient mouth 8000 LE for Egyptian - 1550$ for Non Egyptian With five implants in patient mouth, 3 implant & 2 Prosthesis. For Online System Without Certificate 3000LE Or 475$ Theoretical and workshops without certificates -Special offers for hotel reservation and entertainment programs. -We can provide airline tickets. register on the link bellow and we will call you:

implant diploma

Monday, March 23, 2015

أحصل من اي مكان فالعالم على شهاده دوليه معتمده في إدارة جودة الرعايه الصحيه وتأهل للبورد الامريكي في الجوده الطبيه CPHQ بنظام الدراسه عن بعد مع د/انجي عبدالرؤوف الحاصله على البورد الامريكي في الجوده الصحيه والتي تعتبر من اروع المحاضرين في الالقاء وتوصيل المعلومه وتحصل على لقب خبير معتمد في الجودة الطبية Healthcare Quality Certified Board الموقع الرسمي لمنظمة البورد الامريكي في الجوده CPHQ preparation & HCQM Program. Introduced to you by Mediance Academy for Training. This course qualifies you to pass the exam of the American Board of Medical Quality and opens to you better career prospects in Egypt and the Arab world and also in the United States. And you get the title of Certified Expert in Medical Quality. (Healthcare Quality Certified Board) Program Director & Presenter: Dr. Enjy Abdel Raouf Quality Care and Health Care Specialist She holds the American Board of Medical Quality in Clinical Pharmacy. Book your seat now and get certificate from: - Full qualification to enter the test American Board of Medical Quality in order to get the title of Certified Expert in Medical Quality. - Facilitate and assist the student in action and recording the progress of the exam board. - For the full curriculum diploma Online subscribers are sent to the address of the curriculum. The american Board website Program type: Classrooms & Online. Program Outline : 1. Management and Leadership. A. Strategic. B. Operational. 2. Information Management. A. Design and Data Collection. B. Measurement and Analysis. C. Communication. 3. Performance/Quality Measurement and Improvement. A. Planning. B. Implementation and Evaluation. C. Education and Training. 4. Patient Safety. A. Strategic. B. Operational. Objectives of the Diploma The Program is designed to fulfill the following objectives: 1- Providing participants with basic healthcare quality concepts. 2- Providing participant with basic knowledge in: - Healthcare quality management- Quality improvement tools -Accreditation of health facilities. 3- Providing participants with the skills necessary to: - Monitor healthcare quality - Improve quality. Fees : For Egyptian: 3400 LE for class ( Can be paid on 3 installments ) 3900 LE for On Line ( Can be paid on 3 installments ) For non-Egyptian: 1000 $ for class ( Can be paid on 2 installments ) 1200 $ for On Line ( Can be paid on 2 installments ) register on the link bellow and we will call you:

cphq diploma

Sunday, March 22, 2015

HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT PROFEESIONAL DIPLOMA : @ Mediance Academy for Medical training Certificate (Oxford Academy for Medical Science) أحصل من اي مكان فالعالم على شهاده دوليه معتمده في إدارة المستشفيات (مع د : حاتم البيطار ( محاضر طبى حاصل على الزمالة المصرية فى ادارة المستشفيات اخصائى ادارة المستشفيات ومكافحة العدوى يؤهلك هذا البرنامج للعمل في المناصب الاداريه في المستشفيات كما تمنحك الفرصه ان تعمل كرئيس للقسم المتخصص فيه يساعد هذا البرنامج ايضا اصحاب العيادات الخاصه مثل عيادات الاسنان على ادارة عياداتهم وتحقيق اقصى فائده ربحيه ممكنة ويمكنك الحصول علي هذا البرنامج من اي مكان في العالم عن طريق نظام الاون لاين This program is design for: All health care professionals,health care providers, medical staff and supporting staff. program Outline: Management Functions Human Resources Strategies Marketing Healthcare Centers and Hospitals Finance and Accounting for Healthcare Centers Information Systems in Healthcare and Hospitals Objective & Content: Intended Learning Objectives: Awareness of TQM importance in health care. Understanding of quality management process. Identification of customers and their needs. Team management. Performance Measurement. Performance Improvement. Patient safety concepts and practices. OVERVIEW ON THE HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT DIPLOMA: Basic Management Principles. Strategic Management. Leadership & Decision Making. Time Management. Effective Communication in Health Organization. Change Management. Total Quality Management. Human Resource Management. Accounting. Marketing In Health Care. Duration: 16 session. 4 hours per session. 1 session per week. Or register on the link bellow

hospital diploma